Account Registration

Request a Library Card

By completing the form below, you are applying for a library card at the Gibsonville Public Library. You must be 15 or older to register for a card without a parent's signature.

The Gibsonville Public Library serves the residents of Gibsonville, NC and the surrounding area. You may register for a library card online if you are a resident of Guilford or Alamance County, or live within 20 miles of the library (See map here).

The first time you come to the library to borrow materials, please bring a photo ID and proof of current adress (if your ID does not have current address).

Please enter a First Name
Please enter a Last Name
Please enter a Date of Birth
Please enter a Street Address
Please enter a Street Address (2)
Please enter a City
Please enter a State
Please enter a Zip Code
Please enter a Phone Number
Please enter a Email Address
If you are a parent or guardian applying for a card on behalf of your child, please include your name and contact information (if different from that listed above) here.

Children may have their own library card with a parent's permission. The Gibsonville Public Library does not enforce an age limit on library cards - any child may have a card when their parent decides they are ready. PLEASE BE AWARE that all library cards have the same rights and privileges - any library cardholder may borrow any item in the library regardless of their age. Only a parent can decide what is appropriate for their child.

By registering a child for a library card you agree to be responsible for items borrowed on their cards and for the payment of any fines or charges.