The library will be closed the week of March 29 – April 3, 2021.
Staff will be rearranging the library’s physical collections, service desks, and public computer stations in order to increase accessibility while still allowing for social distancing inside the building. It is our goal to continue offering the highest level of services possible while observing necessary safety precautions.
The library will return to normal operating hours on Monday, April 5, 2021.
It’s a Star Party!! – Friday, April 16, 2021
The Charlotte Hawkins Brown Museum and the Gibsonville Public Library will be partnering to bring a day of virtual and in person programming on Friday, April 16, 2021, thanks to the NC Science Festival! Stop by the library any time between 9am and 5pm to pick up a kit containing three space themed activities for some all-ages fun and visit our Facebook page throughout the day of the 16th to see Miss Ashley and Miss Thania read stories in English and Spanish.
You are then invited to join the crew onsite at the Charlotte Hawkins Brown Museum Friday night from 6:30–9:00pm to see the moon and stars for yourself. Bring your own telescope and/or binoculars to join in the fun. The NC Science Festival’s annual Statewide Star Party is made possible through the generous support of the NC Space Grant. Visitors are expected to follow the “Three W’s” as outlined by the NC Department of Health and Human Services – WEAR a cloth mask over your nose and mouth, WAIT in line at least six feet away from others, and WASH your hands frequently or use hand sanitizer. If you are experiencing symptoms of illness, we ask that you postpone your visit.

Join us for a celebration of el día de los niños at the library! Play the traditional lotería game with us before a special bilingual storytime with local children’s book author, Thania Orellana. After the story, we’ll break open a piñata for treats to take home! This will be an outdoor, socially distanced event.
¡Ven a celebrar el día de los niños en la biblioteca! Juega a la lotería con nosotros, Después acompáñanos a la hora de cuentacuentos con nuestra autora local de libros para niños Thania Orellana. Cerrademos la celebración con una piñata para nuestros chicos. Evento al aire libre, manteniendo la distancia social.
Sign up now to participate in Culture Fest, Saturday, May 8, 2021
Culture Fest focuses on bringing together the community, attracting tourists and visitors, showcasing the diversity in Gibsonville, and celebrating our town. 2021 is Gibsonville’s 150th anniversary, and we can’t think of a better way to celebrate the establishment, growth, and diversification of our town. Individuals, groups, and organizations are invited to participate in Culture Fest by representing their heritage and culture through displays, information booths, stage performances, and food.
Learn more about Culture Fest and how you can be a part of it at
STEAM activity boxes for K-5 – new activity each month
Pick up a STEAM activity box at the library (or contact us to set up a curbside pickup). New activity available on the first of each month – activity kits are free for everyone, no sign-up required. This month’s kit: DIY Woven Bowls.
Storytimes and Grab & Go Activity Kits Intended for birth-PreK.
Our weekly Zoom Storytimes are Tuesdays at 7:00 PM. Coming up:
4/6/2021 — Duck Duck Dinosaur Spring Smiles / paper flowers
4/13/2021 — The Moon’s Time to Shine / moon sensory craft
4/20/2021 — Very Hungry Caterpillar / butterfly static electricity experiment
4/27/2021 — Tap Tap Boom Boom / rain craft PW: 498295
What is in my MOUTH? — Monday, April 12 @ 7PM (Teens)
So…. nobody’s traveling the world right now. BUT we can learn about distant places and cultures through food and trivia from home! Take your tongue on a trip to a different country each month as we explore the world by asking: What is in my mouth???
The library will provide free snack foods from a different part of the world each month, and host a live, online tasting party on the second Monday of each month with facts about the featured country, trivia, and the chance for participants to rate their mystery snack.
Sign up to reserve your snack and get info about the next online tasting party. We’ll let you know when new snacks are available to pick up from the library each month. Snacks will be bagged so you won’t know what you got until it’s time to taste together. That means folks with food sensitivities will need to proceed with EXTREME CAUTION. Intended for middle and high school ages.